About me

Pri started his acroyoga and partner acrobatic journey in 2012 and since the beginning he focused on fluidity and on the investigation of new and dynamic movements. Pri loves all kinds of whipping movements with their momentum that creates fluidity as well as the feeling of freedom and the height Pops and Icarian Games offers them.
Pri is one of the first Acro Love certified teachers in Europe. Particularly concerned about inclusion, in his teaching journey he aims to see each one of their students flourish, providing skills and progressions to suit everyone’s needs. Thank to his nomad life and after living in different countries, he speaks several languages and his workshops can be taught in English, Spanish, Italian and Catalan. He has organized intensive and advanced acroyoga and acrobatic workshops, as well as taken part in retreats, festivals, and meetings. He is also the co-founder and teachers of the DAP - Dynamic Acro Program, the Icarian Convention and the Spanish Acro Convention. He has been teaching in many Festivals and Conventions all around the world.