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fra luigi

Francesca and Luigi - Acroflow, Whip-Pop, Icarian

Driven by their passion for practicing and sharing, Francesca and Luigi are a couple of instructors who come from the sunny Sicily, an island in the south part of Italy. They met 9 years ago and fell in love also thanks to acro-yoga. Luigi is a Thai and Chinese massage (tuinà) therapist and thanks to his passion for ancient arts he also became a taiji Chuan teacher with more than 10 years of experience and a Meditation teacher. 
Francesca comes from the dance world and she is a psychologist who loves the special way acroyoga make people connect and support each other with an open mind attitude, work on personal strengh and bounderins, experiment the “beeing in the present moment”. They are “Partner Acrobatics” and “Acro Love” certfied teachers.

In their practice, they love to create fluid and elegant flows but also enjoy the energy of speed and tempo through whips, whip-pops, and Icarian games. They focus their training and teaching on small details and love to break down complicated moves with ease creating progressions to make sure success even more complex tricks. They believe that practicing acro yoga is a lucky opportunity to grow as human beings, to best express every one own potential and to contribute creating a community of people focused on sharing, supporting and enjoy life. In their way of teaching, there is always a bit of irony between them to remind that smiling is the spice of life.  They strongly believe that creating a joyfull atmosfere during the classes help people to bring out their inner sun (the warm, playful, entusiastic part of them) and to be part of a healthy community  where a beautiful laugh never fails!

You can find her and Luigi on FB page “Sicily Acro” and Instagram  “ Sicily Acro”


Emily Baxter cofounded and runs teacher trainings, intensives and workshops worldwide.

Born in Canada and nomadic for the last 15 years Emily also teaches anatomy and works with corrective exercises and functional movement. Her teaching style blends humor and fun into clear, precise, thoughtful instruction.  She is known for her never-ending energy and contagious enthusiasm.

Fer and Fifi met in Barcelona and started working together since 2017, they have been performing with their number in Spain and have been teaching together in Acro Conventions and workshops. What brought them together is their love for the standing hand to hand technique, static and dynamic. Fer has been a hand to hand teacher for 11 years, for him acrobatics and aesthetics comes together combined with hard work. Fifi has her eyes on the flayer, looking for the right shape rhythm and state of mind. Together they teach the grounds of couples standing hand to hand

Emily Baxter Hand to hand, handstand, functional movement

Emily Baxter

Fernando Melki and Fifi Rosenblat Standing Acrobatic

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Alfonso and Alberto Icarian Games, Standing Acrobatics

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Alfonso Sabaidee

A psychologist converted into an Acromonkey. Alfonso is a passionate and tireless learner of Acroyoga and Acrobatics since the first moment he discovered it. Partner Acrobatics teacher and Co-founder of AcroWings. With this project Alfonso and Céline have been travelling and teaching around Europe sharing their love for Pops, Whips, Balance and Standing Acro in numerous workshops and conventions. Also working and teaching with many teachers around Europe including Alberto with whom he also performs around the world.
Humour, challenges and technique are the pillars of his teaching practice. Let yourself be encouraged by his fire energy and enthusiasm to face your limits in a safe and fun environment.


Alberto (Bet-sinlao Malabartin)

Mexican, multidisciplinary artist. He started circus arts in 2002, meanwhile attends the dance school INBA for three years. He has collaborated with different performing companies in Mexico. In 2008 he arrived in Europe, performing with many personal creations in the program "Off" and "In" from street art festivals. In 2009 he entered in the "Centre Regional des Arts du Cirque de Lomme" where he develops a personal technique and artistic touch in "Acro-Contact Partnering", work with notion of -partnering acrobatic on the movement- which he regulary teaches. In 2012 he graduated in Performing Arts at "Le Mirail" University in Toulouse. Pursuing an intensive training "Towards a plural actor" at the 2 act Theatre. Recently he completed the Master in "Physical Theatre" at the Dimitry Theatre school in Switzerland.
Alberto develops an artistic research for and in the public space, integrating as a tool partnering acrobatics. He has created several performances in solo, duet and collective where his main vectors are, physicality, creativity and playfulness. At the moment actor in the company "Teatro dei Venti" in Italy.

Katia Gargiulo and Alessandro Amici 

They are both passionate about Yoga and Acrobatics and since 2015 they manage their Yoga Center in Rome. They teach different disciplines including Hatha Yoga, YogaTube, Feet up, Aerial Yoga and Acroyoga California and Montreal style. 

The peculiarity of this couple is their ability to convey to their students the passion for the depth of Yoga and the playfulness of Acrobatics. Physically not exactly proportionate, they immediately communicate that there is no limit to what can be achieved with commitment and a positive attitude. In fact, together they create a playful, supportive, and energetic environment in which to learn the Acroyoga flows, including pops, whips, hand to hand and nice figures, in a natural and safe way.  

They are both Thai Massage operators and they use this skill while teaching Acroyoga to recover from effort and fatigue. Alessandro is a very good masseur and is always available to give a de-contracting maneuver to his students! 

Somos un equipo multidisciplinar de profesionales de diferentes campos (Educación,Salud, Arte), amantes del deporte y la naturaleza, especializados en Acroyoga, Acrobacias en Pareja y actividades de Aventura en la Naturaleza. Creamos la asociación Acrology para continuar nuestros estudios y crear proyectos sociales, educativos, artísticos, deportivos y de salud.



"Desde que se conocieron la pasión por el acro les llevó a practicar juntos y seguir creciendo como acroyoguis.

Para ellos el acroyoga es un medio para conectar con uno mismo y con los demás a través del juego y la diversión.

Chiara tiene un background como profe de Yoga y educadora y Marcos lleva entregado al mundo de la enseñanza desde hace 14 años y es CEO de Taotrips.

A los dos les encantan los flows, icarians, pops, wips y todo lo que tenga que ver con el acroyoga.

En la actualidad comparten todo eso y mucho más en todas sus clases."

Katia and Ale Yoga, Acroyoga, Thai Massage


Acrology Standing Acrobatics, Icarians, Acro trio


Chiara and Marco Acroyoga

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